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2016-05-25 18:29:00 


Columbia Market


It has about 46.5 million populations, which is doublemorethan that of Austria. That's why the market in Columbia is so huge.


Customers cannot be found easily, and you can track the target with some measures.

比如,哥伦比亚主要黄页:Quehubo 、gtt whitepage、gtt yellowpage、yellowpages-curacao和哥伦比亚常用搜索引擎:AOL、bermudayp

Such as the yellow page in Columbia like Quehubo,gtt white page, gtt yellow page and yellow pages-Curacao or some most used search engines like AOL and bermudayp.


Before making any deal, they like thinking slowly that they will drink Columbia black coffee while discussing with you, and you'd better not to hush them. But in the big cities, it's more important to be punctual.


Additionally, relax yourselves as possible as you can at the first day you arrive at the capital, Bogota, or you will feel suffering in such high altitude.


When greeting with them, we can shake hands which is the International general way. When a man enters a house or a crowd of people, he needs to shake hands with everyone, as well as saying Goodbye. Women don’t shake hands but hold each other's forearm. And remember to add the title to their first name when calling them.


If you are interested in sports, art, Columbia coffee and scene of countryside, they will talk with you joyfully. And bull-fight is popular in Columbia, so never say something bad to it, or they will be mad at you any time. And never talk about polity because they don't like it.


Football and music are the most popular in Columbia that everyone likes.Do you believe the ads can be played in live telecasting football? One is to replace the voice of commentator and spot of voice advertisements while another is to use a part of screen to play ads, and others is live telecasting football, normally about 2 to 3 minutes a time.


Most of Colombian has belief of Catholicism, while a little believes in Christianity. The sack man of new sect thinks the right of our bodies, which is the origin of sin, does most of the bad things. So they cover the right of their bodies from head to toes with sack, while the left is uncovered.Whatever they do, they only use left hand, and right hand is banned. And they mostly forbid 13, Friday, which is considered as the doomful figure and date.


They also like Chinese food and often praise the design of Chinese banquet. So if you want to make friend with them, it's a great choice to treat them with Chinese food.
